Receive SMS in Assam for free!

Free India Temporary Phone Numbers

Assam AS, state in India

Free SMS is the simplest way to access a free temporary/disposable phone number for receiving text messages in Assam AS on iOS, Android, macOS (OS X), Windows, Linux, Chrome OS and the web. Tap here to see all of our free phone numbers.

The numbers below have been used to receive messages in Assam, India successfully in the past.

+91 7428 730 894

India phone number

1,091 messages

Active now

+91 7428 723 247

India phone number

1,784 messages

Active now


We use real physical SIM cards to receive SMS messages (No VoIP numbers), which means we can display SMS messages instantly. No more waiting around!


Free SMS is completely free with no strings attached. Silch. Nada. Zip. No fees ever. Even better - you don't need an account to use Free SMS!


Your privacy is our number one priority. With Free SMS temporary and disposable phone numbers, giving away your phone number online is a thing of the past!